Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's a Rental!

Well, needless to say we have been keeping busy!  Friday night we went to the free night at the museum... though I am not sure why since we have a pass, I think it was because there was a program we wanted to take the kids to.. that was fun the rest was not.  Wall to wall kids is not a fun time!  Saturday was Fiber Fest, only in small town USA!  The kids enjoyed it... both learned how to sew then we stumbled upon an indoor horse show to Lucy's great pleasure!  To round out our afternoon, we went to a Fancy Nancy party at the library... Lucy was in fancy heaven!!  Owen just rolled his eyes and was happy there were blocks to build and knock down. 

The last couple days we have heavy rain for here (which is just steady rain and a strong wind from time to time).  I am told that is not the normal kind of rain that we will be getting this winter but more a mist.  It is the prefect steady rain to fall asleep to, but this morning I woke up and there is a puddle in my kitchen!  Let's say I am glad it's a rental :)

Hope you all have a great day.



  1. Did they get the roof fixed yet? That isn't any fun, but hey, at least it's a rental:)

  2. Nope, it is not fixed yet! The rain has let up so it is not leaking right now, but every time it picks up we get rain in the house :). The landlord came and and took a look... He determined it is coming from the flashing from flashing by the chimney... He will be back when it dries out, I a not sure when that will be :/
