Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's a Rental!

Well, needless to say we have been keeping busy!  Friday night we went to the free night at the museum... though I am not sure why since we have a pass, I think it was because there was a program we wanted to take the kids to.. that was fun the rest was not.  Wall to wall kids is not a fun time!  Saturday was Fiber Fest, only in small town USA!  The kids enjoyed it... both learned how to sew then we stumbled upon an indoor horse show to Lucy's great pleasure!  To round out our afternoon, we went to a Fancy Nancy party at the library... Lucy was in fancy heaven!!  Owen just rolled his eyes and was happy there were blocks to build and knock down. 

The last couple days we have heavy rain for here (which is just steady rain and a strong wind from time to time).  I am told that is not the normal kind of rain that we will be getting this winter but more a mist.  It is the prefect steady rain to fall asleep to, but this morning I woke up and there is a puddle in my kitchen!  Let's say I am glad it's a rental :)

Hope you all have a great day.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This past week has been a busy one for the kids and I as well as Dan. Dan has been keeping busy learning how things work and are run here in the pacific northwest opposed to the Midwest way! He will let you know it is a bit different. The calendar has been filling quickly with meeting and conferences, but we are sure to scheulde in one extra special fun event per week to do as a family! The week started out wet and windy... So much so that following my run into Olympia with the kids on Monday morning we were intercepted by the firemen saying our road was closed do to downed trees and power lines! Lucy is very dramatic in telling this story of course as then we had to go out to lunch prior to going to preschool. The rest of the week was much sunnier and even warmed up a little! The kids and I started exploring our city on our own this week as we went to story time in Lacey and the Hands on children's museum in Olympia. Fun was had by all! We are looking forward to returning to both places again soon. Te excitement continued as we walked down our long driveway to get the mail and the kids started yelling it's a snake!!!! So I caught up to them to only find a big fat slow moving slug!!! ;) Dan didn't find it very funny but the kids did! Now, as for 'dunger'... Owen has a suffed dog called buck and several other dogs he just calls dog and gunner he has always called dog or doggie... On Friday afternoon gunner was not coming back to the hous quick enough for Owen's liking and I think he was getting worried so he started yelling dunger in a very loud and shaky voice... Doggie has not returned. Enjoy the fall Wisconsin colors... We don't see too many colors besides green here. Jt

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The triple S threat!

The adventure continues... this week was filled with snakes, slugs and scones!  We will start with the snakes, following Dan's first day of work he came home to find me grilling and shortly after our conversation a little grass snake decided to join us.  This didn't go well for Dan as he doesn't care for them much.  Then the next night Dan was busy manicuring part of woodlands so that we have a bit of flat open green space near the house for the kids to play in and another slimy snake decided to visit Dan! 
Onto the slugs, they are huge here!  In fact, I don't think I have ever seen a slug in Wisconsin that comes close to the ones we have here in WA.  When we moved in several weeks ago we found a bright yellow box of 'SLUG DEATH' and laughed.. Now we know why we have it!  You see, our hot tub is back in working order and slugs must like warm moist places the best as they seem to visit the outside of the hot tub cover every day. They range in 2-6 inches in length, they are so slimy that they are shiny!  Lucy is a bit timid around them and Owen runs from them! 
Scones.. YUMMY!!!!  We learned this week that the Fisher Scone to a WA resident is a Cream Puff to a WI resident! They are made from scratch right in front of you by little old ladies (as I am told by Dan) at the state fair) .  Asides from the fact that they taste great, you can only buy them one of two ways... you can either purchase 1 for a $1 or 13 for $13... you are not allowed to say I would like 4 scones! So, we were treated to 13 scones on Friday night for dessert or as Lucy calls it Bessert! 

My parting image for you is when I drove to the store today, I rounded a curve and I saw the beauty of the Olympic Mts ahead of me with the beauty of the trees nearby!  I love the nature here!

'till next time,


Friday, September 23, 2011

I started out with this as an email group, but on second thought... a blog it is :)  Enjoy!

We have been here for a little over a week all together as a family and are enjoying exploring our new terrain.  A week ago our friends Brian and Ashley brought us our Prius and we were able to
enjoy some quality time with them here.... Seems we never spent much time
with them back in WI, but out of state we see them!  Our truck arrived on
Tuesday and by Saturday we had all the boxes unpacked.. We are only missing
a few things and have only a couple things broken.  Nothing we can't deal
We have already become very familiar with the library as well as the
children's museum in Olympia, both will be favorites for the kids!  Lucy
started school last week and made friends quickly. We have gone to our new
chruch, Messiah Lutheran, twice now and are feeling very af home there.
 Pastor Nitz is one of the most educated and well spoken pastors we have
experienced, he is very kind as well.  All the members are very welcoming
too.  Lucy started Sunday school and loved it, making even more friends.
 Owen came with us to adult bible study for a short while until he became
restless then I took him outside to run... There I met a women outside with
her 2 yearold grandson running she also has grown children in the Milwaukee
area and was just visiting them.  When I told her who we were she told me
she had heard we coming to Olympia from some young couple in Milwaukee! What
a small world.
Dan started work today... We sent him off... He was anxious, we tried to
hold him off as long as we could reminding him he didn't have keys and
things run on 'Washington' time here.
Things are bigger than big, greener than green, our bike ride reminded us
that we live close to the mountains not by some small hills in Wisconsin,
and God's beauty surrounds us daily.

Love you all!
Hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fancy Nancy Lucy

Miss Lucy is set on being as fancy as Fancy Nancy... today she changed her outfit 7 times before finally picking one that was just right for school!  She has also deemed her sparkly, glitterly flower girl shoes from Auntie Ashley's wedding as her school shoes.  Yes ineed they get glitter all over the house!  Dan has asked if we can toss them out to avoid glitter everywhere but there is no hearing of it!  We spend plenty of time braiding hair and making sure 'brother' doesn't touch her stuff that is too fancy for him!  Oh I cannot wait until she is in high school!!  I can only hope this is a phase!  Mom, please tell me I wasn't like this!! 

Mean while, Owen is running up and down the muddy hill out back :)  I love it!

Love you to all!